September Basic Essential Oil Series: Day Three, Frankincense – “I Am Valuable”

September 8, 2011

One of the “as needed” practices I use with frankincense essential oil is to identify a feeling or emotion that enters my consciousness when someone chews me up and spits me out.

I’ve learned, that in this type of situation, the emotion I’m experiencing is labeled worthlessness.  The other side of this emotion is approval*.

Here’s what I do when I encounter this emotion when I begin to feel that a co-worker, friend, next door neighbor or anyone tries to take me down.  Sometimes the immediate moment isn’t the right place to try this approach, but I recreate the feelings and emotions once I get to more private space (bathrooms are great for this).

  1. I identify and feel the emotion.
  2. I identify the thought pattern that created my emotion to emerge.  I ask myself, “what was I thinking at the time?”
  3. I place a drop of frankincense in the palm of my hand and activate it by rubbing my hands together clockwise.
  4. I then smell the oil and feel the other side of the emotion, in this case the opposite of worthlessness is approval.
  5.  I apply the oil to the body alarm point which is my gum or teeth area with my fingertips (not inside my mouth, but on my face right below each cheekbone).
  6. Then, I use my thumb and index finger and begin to rub the emotional points on my forehead right above the beginning of each eyebrow.
  7. I go back to my gum and teeth area as I rub in more of the frankincense oil and I say “I am valuable”, and wait until I feel a mental shift of the emotion.
  8. Lastly, I douse a cotton ball in frankincense oil and place it on my nightstand or pillow so that my subconscious mind can process the emotional pattern while I sleep.

Once I shift out of the undesirable emotional state and move to the approval state, I can sense a releasing of a long-held emotional pattern.

Always with conviction and intention, releasing the emotional pattern of worthlessness in my cellular memory happens while I smell the frankincense oil and apply it to my body alarm point at the gum and teeth area.  I continue this process at least once or twice a day for a few weeks.

My test for this healing comes when, or if, I experience this emotion again in a typical situation.  If I still feel the healing hasn’t occurred as quickly as I’d like, I know that I have to perform this process at least three to seven times a day for several weeks until I no longer feel this emotion again in similar situations.

I know, I can hear you say

“Are you kidding me?  I don’t know what planet you’re on, but mine doesn’t allow me one private moment to gasp for air in a situation like this, let alone stand there and rub my gums with frankincense oil!”

You are absolutely right . . . if, and only if, this feeling and emotion has only happened to you once or twice in your life.

However, more than likely you are just like me and you keep experiencing this repeating pattern in your life over and over again.

All I’m saying is that I have had to stop, feel and listen to my body.  I’ve taken my personal power back.  If I didn’t do it now, when and how long do you think my body, mind and spirit could last at this pace?

I’ve worked in a corporate environment, traveled worldwide with many unique personalities, worked as a mother in PTA, and I volunteered in many, many adult charities.  I always knew who the culprits were that took great pride in putting me down.  Or, so I thought they were trying to put me down; sadly it’s a cover-up for their own insecurities.

Now, years later, I’ve realized that it was merely my perception brought on by a similar situation during my childhood that made me believe that this is what people did to put me down.  Their response was a learned response from their environment and a common facade to make themselves get through their own insecurities.

It was the belief that I brought to life from that moment forward, and it instilled in me the same reaction pattern to similar situations today as an adult.

Whoa! This perception thing took its toll on me, my work life and those who were in the path of the wrath that I created in my world.

This practice does no damage to my body like the ranting and raving does when I continued to share the story with a co-worker, spouse, or friend who only allowed me to spew dirt in the air, drown me out and never get a resolution within myself.  My body took the hit and the hit showed up for me in other ways that impacted my life.

I’m finally taking time for me to stop the craziness that was occurring in my life.  I’ve taken responsibility for my reactions and I’m working on something more positive and healing that is giving me greater satisfaction in my life.

I’ll see you all right back here tomorrow for Blogtalk Friday and more about frankincense benefits.

Until then, I send you my wishes and blessings for a prosperous and abundant day.

*Carolyn Mein, Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils

(This article is in no way a substitute for advice from a medical professional.  Use caution with essential oils as some of them can irritate the skin.  This author shall not be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to incidental, consequential, or other damages. This author makes no claims for any medical benefits of this program. The advice of a competent medical professional should always be sought in the case of health matters.  Copyright in this document belongs to this author.)

Blogtalk Friday – The Human Antenna By Dr. Robin Kelly – What Do Ears Have To Do With It?

July 15, 2011

Did realize that we can self-heal and live life more fully?

I have a great show today with Jewels from Law of Attraction Radio as she interviews Dr. Robin Kelly, author, speaker, energy psychologist, and musician.  It’s all about a different form of healing.

Dr. Kelly is an English-trained doctor whose medical  practice has embraced Eastern and modern mind/body philosophies.  He focuses on integrating holistic models; he blends the best of the East with the best of the West.

The Eastern philosophy of medicine includes acupuncture which he found to be less invasive and simpler to use in healing.  The acupuncturist needle is what he considers an antenna that enhances the messages that are all around us.

Kelly found that some people who are more sensitive can be worked on without acupuncture needles, and have a similar experience by just touching certain points on their body.  He calls these points switches in the body.  I call them alarm points as I’ve learned from Dr. Carolyn Mein.


What does this particular broadcast have to do with ears?

Dr. Kelly shares his insight into ear acupuncture.  He describes our ears looking like an inverted fetus.  You will often find this same visual used by ear acupuncturist.  He uses acupuncture spots on the ear as healing points for the body.

I use this technique on myself and find it to be a very quick form of initial release from an emotional event.  I learned this through Dr. Mein’s, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils.  It is called auricular therapy.  When my children were little, I always rubbed their ears and didn’t realize that I was massaging their heart and opening their minds.

Look, listen and feel the messages you are receiving from your body.  What is your body saying?  There is usually an underlying root cause to our physical symptoms that may have manifested from our childhood and remain blocked within.  It’s amazing how becoming  conscious of these different and simple techniques can change our lives.

Let me give you an example.  Through my various treatments with energy healers, I have found a major blockage in my kidney and liver.  The emotion associated with my kidney’s is fear of love or not being loveable.  The other organ, my liver, is associated with anger.  By identifying my blocks to well-being, I am now better able to use some simple techniques to work through my issues.

Try this simple exercise from Dr. Kelly’s broadcast to address chronic pain:

  1. Breathe:  Inhale, tummy out and exhale, tummy in (this gets your body into a receiving mode)
  2. Get Positioned:  Both hands crossed over your heart (this balances the body)
  3. Say to yourself “Even though I have all this pain and I don’t know why this is happening, I really love and respect myself.”

Love and forgive yourself; talk to your body and you’ll be surprised what your body will do for you!  CLICK HERE to listen to this broadcast or click the blogtalk logo above.

I leave you this week with this great broadcast and I send you my heartfelt wishes for a prosperous and abundant day.

(This author shall not be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to incidental, consequential, or other damages. This author makes no claims for any medical benefits of this program. The advice of a competent medical professional should always be sought in the case of health matters.  Copyright in this document belongs to this author.)

I Am Blessed And I Am So Grateful – Thank You To You, You & You . . .

July 12, 2011

Why am I so blessed today?  I am blessed by two authors that have rocked my world by teaching me to clear the emotional patterns that no longer serve me.

Together with my ho’oponopono (Hawaiian problem solving process of reconciliation and forgiveness) technique, I hope you find the sources I provide as a personal emotional healing for yourself.

In the past week, I’ve been granted the rights to share with all of you the healing modalities contained in Dr. Carolyn Mein’s book, Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils and Karol K. Truman’s book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.

I am so thrilled because I have found these two author’s techniques very beneficial on my path to self-transformation.

Before I board my flight back to Ohio from hot and sunny Florida, I’d like to share just a snippet of information from each book.

Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils

The techniques utilized in this practice aligns incredibly well with my recent PSYCH-K training.  Here is a quote from Dr. Mein:

“Let’s say you would like to feel laughter, but you can’t seem to get past the anger.  Knowing that anger comes from your direction being blocked, you need to change your perspective to see the situation from a different point of view, enabling you to determine your way out or the best direction to take.  This higher perspective is the spiritual component that provides the “way out” and allows you to get the message or lesson by increasing your awareness.”

This is just a small introduction in to Dr. Mein’s world of healing emotional patterns.  I’ll share more as I continue  sharing this enormously powerful practice.

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

The “scripting” technique that Karol Truman has created is a powerful script to utilize during each emotional situation.  It’s simple and profound!  I’ll be sharing more of her script and how to use it in times of personal emotional upheaval.  Here is a bit of what Karol shares in her book.

“Unresolved, repressed and suppressed negative feelings are feelings you thought were dead and gone.  We do not get to “pick or choose” which feelings will manifest in our life.  Most people have a deep desire, and are searching, for peace of mind and the ability to truly love and be loved unconditionally.  Our experiences in life are actually our own state of mind being projected outward. We were programmed to deny feelings and to bury them.  We were taught to forget it, ignore it, it doesn’t matter, don’t think about it,  or, be quiet and it might go away.  Just because we buried them alive doesn’t mean they are dead.  They remain the source of our unresolved conflicts.”

Stay tuned for more information from these powerful modalities to well-being.  I have to quickly run and board my flight or my emotions will raise their ugly heads again!

I leave you all today with my very best wishes for a prosperous and abundant day.

Opt For Delete – Free Your Mind Of Unnecessary Programs

July 5, 2011

Yesterday marked the first day since January 1, 2011 that I didn’t write anything on my blog.  I took the day off because I thought it was actually Sunday.  It felt good so it was meant to happen, thank you.

On another note, today I was reminded that I have the ability to delete unnecessary information in my mind, body and spirit to free up space for clearer thinking and healing.

My computer greeted me this morning by asking me to do a disk clean-up.  It began by saying, “Disk Cleanup is calculating how much space you are able to free.”  Once I ran the program, it said, “Disk Cleanup is clearing up any unnecessary files.”

It was at this point that I realized that my mind, body and spirit would crash, like my computer, if I don’t stand firm and set up some time for my personal clearing and cleaning.

I constantly hear this analogy thrown around by some workshop presenters.  I didn’t actually reflect on what they were all talking about as it pertained to me.  It didn’t really sink in at the time like it did today.

I then realized that I really was cleaning up unnecessary information in my mind, body and spirit as I reflected upon some of my morning practices.  These techniques help me jump start my day and protect my spirit in a positive way.  Together, they don’t take more than an hour to complete.  Here are a few:

Ho’oponopono – An ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and repentance.  This training teaches us how to get back to “Zero” or perfection.  I spend a lot of my day automatically loving, thanking, forgiving, and being sorry for anything in me that has caused animate or inanimate objects harm.  There is such a profound healing that occurs once you’ve learned the process behind these simple terms, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you”.  Click on the ho’oponopono link above and check out their workshop schedule.  Another practitioner that I utilize for this technique is Mabel Katz.  Ho’oponopono is so popular outside of the United States that Mabel is traveling around the world presenting special workshops on getting back to zero.

Ask Your Spirit Guides – Prior to jumping out of bed, I use Sonia Choquette’s technique of breathing.  I inhale through the nose and exhale through my mouth with the sound of “ha”.  I do this 10 times.  The “ha” breathing is also used in ho’oponopono.  Once I complete my 10 cycles of breathing, I say good morning to my guardian angel and all the archangels.  This technique is so simple and allows me to get out of bed comforted and refreshed knowing that my spirit is being protected.

Meditation – I spend 20 minutes each morning in meditation centering myself on mindfulness – being present NOW.  Meditating creates a positive shift in my mind, body and spirit and creates room for inspiration.

Essential Oils – Everyday I use an essential oil for chakra toning of my eighth chakra to bring me back to perfection and alignment.  This chakra sits about two feet above my seventh chakra .  It happens to be the energy center of divine love, spiritual compassion and selflessness.  This chakra is my path to attracting my hearts desires.

Sad to say, I often hear others lament, “hmmph, how do you find the time to do this everyday”?  I tell them, “if I don’t clear me, I find myself at the mercy of mine, and others, emotional imbalances.”  I minimize the triggers that used to set me up for emotional trauma.

We tend to have bank vaults, alarm systems in our homes, lockers in our gyms and locks in our cars to protect our valuables.  What is so hard about honoring our mind, body and spirit as valuables that are in need of protection too.

I hope you can spend some scheduled time to delete the worthless programs in your mind, body and spirit.  I’m worth it, are you?  Join me on Twitter @waugh_chris, or click the Twitter button on the right, to get my tips on techniques to use throughout your day.

See you right back here tomorrow where I’ll be blogging from sunny – and hot – Florida.  I send my wishes for a prosperous and abundant day.

(This author shall not be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to incidental, consequential, or other damages. This author makes no claims for any medical benefits of this program. The advice of a competent medical professional should always be sought in the case of health matters.  Copyright in this document belongs to this author.)

My Happiness Is Your Happiness – How Happy Are You?

June 29, 2011

I don’t need formal credentials to know that we are all one; interconnected in a spiritual way.  My happiness is dependent on your happiness.

Why?  Because when I’m happy, I emit the frequency of happiness to anyone that comes in contact with me, and I attract things to me that make me happy.  The other side of happiness is unhappiness where we radiate the frequency of disharmony.

For me to be happy, I like to surround myself with people who are on this same frequency.  This is a healthy alternative to negative emotions.

According to Carolyn Mein, author of Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils, there are two emotions that are the negative side of happiness.  They are:

Grief and Letting Go

I have been learning how to use essential oils and applying them to the trigger points on my body to work through the negative side of the emotions of grief and letting go.

Allow me to explain the process of this particular technique in more detail.


If I find that grief continues to plague me, and I want to get to the more positive side of happy, I would repeat this affirmation, “change brings growth”, while rubbing my body’s alarm point at the adenoid area.   Just picture someone with a headache or sinus trouble that pinches the top of their nose to nurse their discomfort.  I would take my two fingers on either side of this location and rub the essential oil specifically used to get me to the other side of this emotion of grief.  I would repeat this practice five to seven times per day for several weeks until I feel the emotion of grief dissipating.


If I find that it is hard for me to let go of something or some feeling, and I want to get to the more positive side of happy, I would repeat this affirmation, “let go and let God” or “let go and let live”, while rubbing my body’s alarm point at the bladder area located on each palm of my hand, about four inches from the top of the thumb on the fatty pad of the base of the thumb.  I would take my finger and rub the appropriate essential oil specifically used to get me to the other side of the emotion of letting go.  I would repeat this practice five to seven times per day for several weeks until I feel the emotion of letting go dissipate and replaced with the emotion of happiness.

If you are interested in the appropriate essential oils for this practice, send an email to and I will send you the type of oil to apply to these alarm points and a place to order this remarkable oil.

Until tomorrow, I send my wishes to you for a prosperous and abundant day.  Ciao!

Day Eight: Karol K. Truman’s Emotional Clearing Process – Do You Know What It Is?

May 9, 2011

Last Thursday I shared with you some videos of Carolyn Mein’s muscle testing technique and why she believes that clearing emotional patterns in our lives is very important.  The reason I chose Mein’s video is because I use Karol K. Truman’s process with Carolyn Mein’s process which is spelled out in Mein’s book, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils.

After having a special energy treatment and an intensive reflexology treatment with essential oils at the Winter Park Wellness Center in Colorado in March, I began using the techniques that I was taught from these personal treatments.  These treatments were groundbreaking for me as they began to unblock my stuck energy of feelings, emotions and beliefs.  So far, I’ve been able to identify two big emotions and feelings that have kept me from experiencing the abundant life I was meant to live.  These emotions are abandonment and rejection.

Today is my last blog on Karol K. Truman’s book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.  I want to make sure that I respect the process that Karol has shared through her book and in so doing, I recommend that you visit Karol’s site at to order this prayer or purchase the book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.

Truman’s practice is not only limited to the prayer, but her book contains three important lists that work in conjunction with this practice.  The lists are:  1)  Feelings; 2)  Feelings & Beliefs that Affect Success; 3)  Probable Feelings Causing Ill-ness.  These lists are very detailed and important lists to identify feelings you are experiencing in moments of disharmony with others.

Carolyn Mein’s book, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils is complementary to Truman’s practice and this book is chock-full of emotional patterns, lists, and oils that help in a breakthrough treatment towards clearing our negative emotional energy.

If you experience feelings of jealousy, greed, rejection, abandonment or any number of feelings, emotions and beliefs that you’ve had difficulty shaking from your energy field, Mein’s and Truman’s books are the way to identify the cornucopia of emotions stored within our bodies.

Stay tuned everyday, five days a week, for my tips and techniques to self-transformation.  Coming soon is my blog about my recent solfeggio treatment; and over the next few weeks, I’ll share my experiences with you while I visit Stonehenge and Cornwall sacred sites.

I hope to receive comments from you soon and I wish you peace and love on your continual journey to well-being.

(This author shall not be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to incidental, consequential, or other damages. This author makes no claims for any medical benefits of this program. The advice of a competent medical professional should always be sought in the case of health matters.  Copyright in this document belongs to this author.)

Winter Park Wellness Center – More Than Lip Service

March 16, 2011

I’m not giving lip service to you to “get to your center, remain conscious, and look within.” I’m actively experiencing the recommendations that I blog to you.  All of these statements are things I’ve heard others say over and over again and, oftentimes, I did nothing more than pay them lip service.  I’m consciously aware and listening to the messages that I’m getting from the universe, and I’m seeing a significant impact to my life.

Recently, I experienced a beautiful view of snow covered mountains as I entered the Winter Park Wellness Center on the advice of the Gasthaus Bed & Breakfast we were staying at these past few days.  I call my experiences synchronicity and synchronicity in action occurred throughout this entire trip.  The outcome from my experience was more than a beautiful choreographed dance on Dancing with the Stars.

Let me tell you why I believe this trip was synchronicity in action.

The Gasthaus Eichler

This bed and breakfast choice was like closing my eyes as I allowed my finger to randomly point and select this B&B.  This wonderful German B&B was homey and comfortable; warm, inviting, and filled with the best hospitality we have received in a long time.  As many of you know, we travel quite a bit and encounter mixed services.  Many of our choices DON’T stand out – Gasthaus Eichler isn’t one of them!

The Winter Park Wellness Center

During my pre-planning for this trip, I had contacted another massage therapist via email.  For one reason or another, this therapist and I had difficulty contacting each other to set up an appointment.  When I arrived at the Gasthaus Eichler, the owner recommended Jill Suffin, Certified Massage Therapist, from Winter Park Wellness Center for my massage and energy work.   Jill in turn referred me to Marie for reflexology and the dance began.

Jill’s choice of harmony oils and energy work balancing my chakras was positively received by my mind and body.  Her choice of music during my treatment was like a piano concerto as the soft wavy music filled my heart with love and literally made my inner “me” dance softly and assuredly.

Marie, the reflexologist, had many beliefs in common with me.  She has been in this business for over 20 years and practices what she calls medical metaphysics.  She knew about all the great authors I had been learning from – Candace Pert, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra – and many more.  She recommended Carolyn L. Mein’s book, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils and Feelings Buried Alive Never Die . . . by Karol K. Truman.  I bought them both.

Marie worked with many different essential oils as she delivered her services of opening my inner child, clearing blocked passages in my cells and addressing my kidney blockages with recommendations for working through my blocks.  I’ve rarely experienced such a glorious opportunity to arrive at nirvana through the services like Jill and Marie offer.

Leaving Winter Park, Colorado is a sad but joyous memory and one I will revisit from time to time.  The best part was allowing myself to be open to this treatment.  More importantly was the positive outcome my husband noticed as he said to me, “You appear so peaceful and calm since you had these treatments.”

I know these feelings will last as I continue to work on me through my journey of awareness.  How about you?  What are you doing for you?  Lip service is just that, all talk and no action.  Get into it and get active.  Oh, and if you have a chance, you have to visit the Winter Park Wellness Center and please tell them I sent you.

Ciao, see you tomorrow.