Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen Say “Happiness Makes Us Beautiful” – Laughter Is The Best Medicine

I just discovered a new website by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen called You Beauty.  It’s filled with great quizzes about the science of a beautiful you – it’s great!  If it’s as good as Roizen’s book, The Real Age Makeover, I’m really hooked.

When I took one of the quizzes, a very enlightening “did you know . . .” statistic popped up.  It was a statistic about laughter.  Here’s what surprised me:

Did you know that six-year-olds laugh on average 300 times per day?

Adults need some help here because the statistic said we laugh only about 13 times per day. . . a sad commentary on our happiness levels.

In the next four minutes, find your happiness spot.  Laugh along with me to discover the beauty of our inner child.  Thanks to skypelaughterchain for this great boost of happiness.

I send you my blessings and wishes for a prosperous and abundant day!

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